Every year we set goals for ourselves to build ourselves up for the better, and we set goals to keep us on track with what we want in life. Some goals are different, and with each goal, we want to end the year or that chapter of my life with the result of the change. The goal you’ve set might be spiritual, or you may want to empower yourself or build a better life for your family. 

I’ve never really thought about having a mantra for the new year, but I’m going to start this year.  My mantra is going to be “do it scared,” because I feel like I’ve missed out on a lot of opportunities in my life because I let my nerves get the best of me. Also overthinking the outcome or the negative things that could happen in the past. Now I’m just going to think about the positive things in life. I am not a negative Nancy, but it’s really hard for me because I’m always thinking about every possible situation that could ever happen.  This year is different because I have positive people around me, which gives me the nudge I need to fulfill my mantra this year.

I’ve been seeing a lot of popularity with mantras. It was originally used in yoga to meditate.  They started gaining popularity around 2003 and have stayed trendy in the health and wellness field. Now people are using it for more than just a meditation practice. Still, now people are using it to enhance self-improvement in their lives and to speak positivity into the universe so that they can have a better future. Here are some mantras you can try to improve your life this year!

Mantras for 2024

  1. Mantras for 2024
  2. Mantra for Self-Love
    1. I am worthy of love
    2. I  choose positive thoughts
    3. Just breathe
    4. I let my happiness be visible to others
  3. Mantras for Relationships
    1. I accept and love others
    2. My world is a world of love
    3. May I know love and kindness and may all others
    4. I open my heart to the experience
  4. Mantras for Success
    1. Never mistakes, only lessons
    2. Forget your competition
    3. I will figure it out
    4. Never forget why you started
  5. Mantras for Money
    1. You are a money magnet 
    2. My income exceeds my expenses
    3. I am wealthy in more ways than one
    4. I am worthy of all the riches and full of life
  6. Mantras for Fitness
    1. All I need to do is start, the rest will follow
    2. Make shit happen
    3. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
    4. I am doing this for me

Mantra for Self-Love

I am worthy of love

Be open to living this year, and know your worth! If you can’t love yourself, then who will? Show that you are loving yourself, and that will attract more positive people around you. If you show self-love people will see that you have great qualities that you can offer them, whether it’s a shoulder to lean on or someone who is able to be intimate.

I  choose positive thoughts

If you overthink the outcome of things like I do, this is a great mantra to remind you to fill your mind with positive thoughts. It’s normal for us all to have our Debbie Downer moments, but changing those negative thoughts can increase your chance of a positive outcome. Plus positivity is always a mood booster. Stay hopeful, and great change will come.

Just breathe

This mantra can be used for multiple things we can all work on. For me, when I think about how I could use this mantra to my advantage, I would just breathe if I got overwhelmed. It also slows the heart rate, which can help calm anxiety.

I let my happiness be visible to others

Bad vibes can be contagious, but so can positive vibes. So spread your light with others around you. Research has shown that if you smile while you are not so happy, it can improve your mood, by just smiling for 30 seconds. It also attracts people to you!

Mantras for Relationships

I accept and love others

In my previous relationship, I had to learn the hard way to accept love and be vulnerable. I used to think it was seen as a weakness, but you become stronger knowing how to receive and give. Plus, the advantages for you and your partner or family are both physical and mental.

My world is a world of love

Although the world is full of negativity, block it out with the positives in your life. Consider your world to be a network, with people serving as the links. These links help you feel loved and not alone in this world; never take that for granted because some people don’t have love in the world. Even if it’s just one person, that connection could shine so brightly.

May I know love and kindness and may all others

Take the first step in sharing kindness. Just like happiness, kindness is just as contagious. Saying hello to a stranger, getting to know them, and taking the first step to begin that relationship, or fixing past relationships with kindness, works wonders because sometimes you have to take that first step to show that you truly care about that person and that you really want to be with them by simple acts of kindness that will show them gratitude and justify the love that you have for them, and it’ll help both of you and the relationship. And when you take the first step as well, they will return the favor, and if you continue this pattern, it will happen out of a pure desire to show kindness and love towards a person.

I open my heart to the experience

When it comes to trying new things or meeting new people, it may appear that the majority of people put up a wall and never get to enjoy the aspects of the new things they try. Break down those walls and be genuine. It gives you the full experience of going to that unique event or meeting someone new for the first time. Personal development occurs as a result of new experiences. 

Mantras for Success

Never mistakes, only lessons

 You have to fail to succeed. When I started my first small business, I learned this mantra the hard way. At first, it seemed depressing knowing that I had failed, but when you get back up, you can see the advantages you have now that you aren’t a novice. This will give you a new perspective on your next goal, and you’ll be able to plan your next move better. 

Forget your competition

As humans, we naturally compare ourselves to someone we look up to or to people in the same niche as us. Just always remember where they are and understand that everyone has to work up to the level of success that they are at. Plus, the more you compete with others, the less you will achieve because you will be blindsided by what you aren’t doing instead of building toward where you want to be.

I will figure it out

If you are going through a rough patch in life, refer to the mantra for self-love and incorporate that positivity into your current situation. Just breathe. Take time to figure it out. Your problem might not get fixed right away. Sit down and plan out a solution, one step at a time. You’ll be closer to getting it fixed by doing something other than sitting down and wallowing in negativity.

Never forget why you started

If you’ve ever worked on a marketing or sales team, you’ll know that they always make sure you understand the why of the company so that you can better meet the needs of the consumer. Sometimes we forget to apply this method to our everyday lives, whether we are starting a business or just doing what we love. Never lose sight of your why. If you do, you’ll forget the value and lose that passion, and your love for it will dissipate. 

Mantras for Money

You are a money magnet 

We can all be money magnets. The question is, “How will you attract the dinero”. Better said than done. As young adults, we only know so much about financial balance and how to save a penny or two. But we all want to know how to make more money. In this technological era, ways to make money are endless. Whether you give birth to an idea or have a side hustle, there are ways to become your own boss. If you have a hobby that can be turned into a business, or if you just have hustle in your DNA, now is the time to figure out how to become a money magnet.

My income exceeds my expenses

Speak positively about your cash flow, and good things will follow; think positively about it, but also act in a positive manner. Mantras are just one step in creating the intention; the rest is up to you. This year, as you speak this mantra, also budget so that this mantra can become your reality.

I am wealthy in more ways than one

Yes, we were talking about money on these mantras, but sometimes wealth comes in different forms, so if you ever feel down about your financial state, think about the other assets in your life, such as the people around you and the things that you do have that most people don’t have, like the small things we take advantage of. We are more wealthy than we think. 

I am worthy of all the riches and full of life

Never count yourself out. You may be down for the count now, but if you have a strategy to achieve your financial goals, the sky is the limit. If you stay positive and act on the plan as well, surround yourself with people who have a money-making mindset. You will grow as a person, and it never hurts to have helpful contacts to do business with in the future. 

Mantras for Fitness

All I need to do is start, the rest will follow

Starting is the hardest part, but going into the gym with a fitness goal is the best way to remind yourself why you started. We have our whys in business and in our careers, but we also want to achieve our whys in our everyday goals. Start by doing small workouts. If you overwork yourself, not only will you not want to go back, but you could seriously injure yourself.

Make shit happen

Like Nike says, “Just do it.” Don’t think about making excuses or getting a rain check. If you always dodge goals, you will create a horrible pattern that will make you think it’s okay to quit or never start at all. Find ways to keep yourself accountable, like working out with friends.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Who else hears Kelly Clarkson when you read this mantra?! Pain is gain, baby. There is no better feeling than sore muscles after a tough workout. Just remember, there is good pain and bad pain. If you feel excessive pain, see a doctor. To prevent this, make sure you are always stretching. If you are a beginner, find a trainer to guide you to your fitness success. 

I am doing this for me

Working out is a form of meditation. There are so many benefits to working out that it’s insane. Working out is great for your mind, body, and soul. Fitness helps decrease depression, so when you are feeling the winter blues or just not happy, take a walk or run. If running isn’t your thing, there are so many cool, innovative ways to work out that you’ll forget it’s a workout. From Zumba to cycling, fitness has never been so fun.

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